

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Jewelry - Out of Sight, Out of Mind

 When working with a client in your closet, invariably, the discussion focuses on the jewelry. Do you? Like this? Dislikes? Use this? ... What kind of jewelry? Suit? Bridge? You get the idea.
Finally, I see. I can tell you how often that happens to be a huge event! At least 75% of the time of her jewelry is either in a drawer boxes, scattered in a jewelry box or in another room (boxes, crates or bags)!
Then, of course, ask him if he wears. The answer is almost always ... not really.
I can tell you now that if your jewelry is planted somewhere or well (or not so well) hidden in boxes of two things are generally true:
* There is too much to do to use it. * Did you forget things.
Third, you may not like enough to keep on hand so you can use it. All this could be solved if you can create a way to show your jewelry. There are several things will happen:
* You feel a renewed enthusiasm to the idea of ​​wearing it. * You will be able to find easily - which is probably means that it takes longer, too. * You will be very aware of what you do not like or do not go with anything in or out of fashion, which makes it much easier to debug.
The question then becomes, how do you show?
Well, as you know, I spend time in many closets and have gone through a number of women who have found creative ways to organize and store your jewelry so it is easily visible.
They are happy to share their ideas with you:
Annie likes to have unusual containers and carry them into jewelry. Just go to bed Bath & Beyond and pick up a silver platter, and voila, you can store your jewelry you make.
Amy took a shelf in your closet to see their collars to attach the brackets. It was easy to see what you have and coordinate with your clothes.
Claudyne lives in a fabulous old pole with a bit of running through its walk-in. Plastic hooks attached and hang all your necklaces from there. You can easily see what has to dress and accessories is easy.
I also recently discovered this organizer jewelry online fun: I have not tried but it looks promising. If someone tries I want to know what you think.
Finally, I have a large firm that operates as a full-length mirror I have in my room full of my jewelry! It comes in several wood finishes, and the price has dropped since I so now is your chance.
No matter how you store your jewelry, as long as you can see and easy access. Like most things when out of sight is out of mind. Let me know what works for you!
Are you eagerly watch shows like "What Not to Wear" and "if only I could have a wardrobe makeover," but you can not see how the transformation will mean for you, then I can help you. Over 23 years as a fashion designer in the Boston area, I found that many women ignore, hide, or simply are not aware of their innate beauty. Believe it or not, you do not have to be rich and famous or young, seem thin as you want. Yes, with a little help, you can learn to dress with joy and simplicity.

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Becoming a Goddess to Achieve Inner Happiness

It is so easy in the hustle and bustle of hectic life and ultra-busy now bogged down in all the little details, and when that happens, you end up being stressed and unhappy. Missing the big picture of what's important in life, and especially to lose sight of who you are and how you are. Inside every woman is a goddess who is waiting to be recognized and lavished with adoration, and the responsibility of all women release their inner potential.

Letting Go
To learn how to be a goddess, the first step is to let go absolutely. Go outside, close your eyes, turn your head to the warmth of the sun and breathe alone. Ingestion of two or three minutes to relax and enjoy the world around you help you focus. When your life begins to revolve around this evil in the parking lot of a grocery store that is cut and it is no longer about you and your own happiness, you know something must be done. You must take charge of their lives, and we must find a way to let go. The road to happiness is to live life on their own terms, and to do this, you must let go.
Finding inspiration
Every woman needs to find a daily source of inspiration in his life. It is, after all, easy to get away from the record, the negative details, however, life is not important in everyday life. You must have a goddess of fate guide that provides the inspiration and driving force to stay on a path that you define. Live the life of a goddess means to live life on your terms and release inner happiness, but all women need help to stay focused and dynamic.

Making changes
If you have not focused on living the life of a goddess to date, chances are you have to make some changes in your life if you can kiss your life and do whatever you wanted to be. Think back to five, 10 or even 20 years, and consider what your life was perfect at the time. If your life is not how you imagined it would be, is not alone. However, it is also in complete control, and you have the power to create the life you want and find happiness within you.
Life is what you make of it, and now is the perfect day to take over your life and claim it as their own. Today is the perfect day to change your life and become a goddess. Every woman has total control of their happiness and destiny. Through letting go, making changes and looking for a daily source of inspiration that you can follow the path he has chosen to pursue, you can really live the happy life they have planned for you.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Women Who Ride Motorcycles

I just returned from a three-day motorcycle road trip, during which I noticed a surprising number of women riders. I saw them everywhere I rode, some with husbands and boyfriends, and others in mixed gender groups.
I recently read that ten percent of all new motorcycles are purchased by women, but actually seeing those women on the road, and talking with them at the end of a long day riding is a new experience for me. Their descriptions of the day's ride sound exactly like the way men share their day's experience. What's not surprising is that women are enjoying the sport of motorcycling as much, if not more, than men. In fact, I can't think of any sport other than football in which women don't participate.
Motorcycle manufacturers are waking up to a brand new audience and are producing motorcycles now that fit women. I saw several women riding Ducati Monsters, a hot, Italian bike that works well for shorter women who want to be able to plant both feet on the ground when stopped at a light. Other manufacturers will follow suit now that its clear women are going to become a proportionately bigger part of the motorcycle buying public.
Women are signing up for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation's nationwide classes, and absent an overabundance of testosterone, women will likely prove to be superior riders who have nothing to prove. I've noticed that women, in general, ride with the same skill level as men, or better.
I spoke with several women at the end of the day at a motel where it seemed every motorcycle rider in Northern California was staying. It was in Humboldt County, which is three hours north of San Francisco. But some women were from much further away. Their stories about their bikes sounded exactly like my own stories that I've shared dozens of times with other riders I've met on the road.

The first time I ever saw a woman rider was ten years ago, and I have to admit that I thought she was incredibly hot. She was wearing a full-face helmet and leathers, hiding her face and body completely, so it was the image that was beautiful. Seeing a woman with her hair flying behind her, leaning into the curves, was distracting at first. It was also incredibly sensual watching a woman astride a powerful engine, being in charge of her ride. I don't mean this in a demeaning or chauvinistic manner at all. I just appreciate how beautiful a woman looks riding down the road. Perhaps women feel similarly about men who ride.
I hope more husbands and boyfriends will encourage the women in their lives to participate in what was once a male only sport. The more women who share this experience, the more riders will be on the road. And, the more riders, the more aware the driving public will become regarding being watchful for motorcycles.
It's a terrific hobby a man and a woman can share. Traveling on two bikes is far different from riding on the back of a man's bike. The experience is visceral and involves all the senses. The men I've spoken with whose women ride with them are thrilled to have them share their passion. Also, the quality of the ride is superior when not carrying a passenger. It's just more fun riding solo.
I'll be looking for more women on the road, and I suspect that by the time I stop riding, hopefully not for many years, that the number of women riders will approximate the number of male riders. It's a sport we can all share and enjoy.
What I've also noticed is that single women who ride are extremely popular. Men fall over each other in their desire to talk with these women. Not a bad way to meet a guy either. At a minimum, there's a shared passion. Welcome to motorcycling. It's a real pleasure to have you join us.
For twenty years, author and lecturer Ken Solin has helped men move beyond the issues that limit their lives. Both men and women follow Ken since his work is primarily about relationships.

Why Every Woman Needs to Find Her Inner Goddess

Most women today lead hectic lives that involve raising children, pursuing professional goals, and more. We are caregivers by nature, so we tend to give so much of ourselves that it is easy to lose sight of who we are as individuals and what we want out of our lives. Sure, we want our families to be healthy and happy, but we are individuals that have needs and desires, too. Finding your inner goddess is about unleashing the woman you are and nurturing her to be the greatest person possible. It is about loving yourself and allowing yourself to be happy.
Who You Are
If you are like many women, you may be someone's boss and someone's employee. You may be someone's mother and someone's child. You may be a wife and a lover, a caregiver, a cleaner, a cook, and so much more. Finding your inner goddess doesn't necessarily mean giving up on these things. After all, many women take great pleasure in raising children and taking care of their families. Instead, it means finding happiness in what you do, and if it doesn't make you happy, then finding a way to seek pleasure in those things that need to be done in your life.
Why This Is Important
Before you can begin to learn how to become a goddess, you have to understand why it is important to do so. Such a person is revered not by those around her but by herself, too. This is a person whom others respect and who offers value to others' lives and finds value in her own. Through feeling loved and valued, and through knowing that you are special and unique, you develop a greater sense of self-worth and a deeper level of happiness in your life. As a woman, you are a nurturer by nature, and to be the best woman you can be, you have to accept your role as a goddess.
Taking Charge
Once you fully understand just why it is so important to really become the greatest person you can be and to find happiness in all that you do, you are ready to take charge of your life. You may find that making subtle tweaks to your life here and there will do the trick for you, or you may find that your life needs a drastic overhaul. Either way, you will want to seek out a goddess guide in the form of reading a daily inspirational blog, reading uplifting and motivating books, and other such forms of guidance. These can help to set you on the right path.
Becoming a goddess is absolutely about yourself and finding happiness in your life, but it also is about being a better you so that you can better nurture those around you. It can be pretty hard to be your best self and to care for those you love when your own gas tank is running on empty. When you find inner peace, love, and happiness, you will have the inner resources available to project the aura you want.

Today's Version of a Goddess

Women tend to wear lots of different hats in life and most of the time they can manage without any trouble. Problems occur when the hats overcome the woman and the real person gets lost in the mix. This creates a number of issues and can lead to dissatisfaction with the current circumstances. If this sounds like you, there is hope. Your days don't have to be dull and mundane anymore. You don't have to be caught in the whirlwind of life, wondering when it's going to stop. Instead, it means transforming your life and becoming a goddess. It means valuing who you are as an individual, rather than trying to copy those around you. It means taking the time to take care of you, which is why you should learn how to become a goddess from the experts.
Creating Your Own Style
There are certain techniques to follow and they are usually displayed in a goddess guide. For instance, it's important to take care of yourself. However, remember everyone is unique and no one person has to be the same. It means creating your own style, but staying away from clothing items that are filled with graphics, flip-flops, and baggy sweatshirts. The clothing should be stylish but still fit your personality and you. It should be comfortable and fit your body's shape. It is also important to wear your hair in its natural form. So if someone has curly hair, don't straighten it. Let it be curly.
Indulge the Body
Take a look at Cleopatra, a famous Egyptian queen who is often considered a goddess. It was easy to see that she took care of herself and was even known to indulge in milk baths. This makes the skin touchable and soft - like baby skin. Then, add lotion to keep the body sweet and moist. You don't have to wear makeup to be beautiful, but if you choose to, try to keep it light. Make sure hair is washed every one to two days and always brush the teeth and hair. It is important to follow a regular beauty routine so the body stays healthy and always looks beautiful. This will also help you feel better during the day.
Be Considerate of Everyone
Now, since you look like a goddess, it is time to start acting like one. It's important to treat people with respect, even if you don't like a particular person. It doesn't matter who they are, make sure to smile and great everyone you meet. Take time with those who look sad or lonely. It is important to stay true to friends, but don't be afraid of making new ones. Most importantly, be nice to everyone and let it come from your heart.
Try Your Best at Everything
As you go about life being a goddess, make sure to try your very best. It won't matter if it's school, work, or at home with the kids, it brings you satisfaction to try your best at everything in life.

How Can I Contribute As a Member of a Women's Group?

Being a member of a women's group can be an incredibly fulfilling experience. When we look to joining such a group, we typically ask ourselves what this group will do for us. Why should I join this group? Will it give me what I need? However, it is also important to ask yourself what you can bring to the group.

When you decide to become a member of a women's group, you must remember that you are developing a relationship with the members of the group. Relationships are a two-way street. As such, not only should you expect to gain something personally from the group, but you should also be willing to give of yourself to the group. If you are not willing to do so, then you will not truly reap the full benefits of the group. You will not truly be a member of the group and will not establish the type of relationships that you likely desire.
So what can you bring to the group? First, you need to be completely there mentally. That means, when you are meeting with the group, you are actively participating rather than spending the time texting on your phone, checking e-mails, or sitting there quietly and not engaging in any conversation. You also need to be there regularly. Make the commitment to show up to the group meetings on a regular basis (save for the occasional sickness or vacation) and show up on time. If you do not make the physical commitment to be there, the group will not consider you a true member of the group and will not seek your full participation. This will result in your being somewhat alienated from your women's group.
Think about what other skills you possess, whether it is in your personal life or your professional life. Chances are you can apply those skills to the group. If you are great at organizing, then help the group by organizing some of the meetings or perhaps some special activities or events for the group to do. If you are creative and like thinking up new things for the group to do, then run a brainstorming session or two and actively throw out ideas to the group. Perhaps you are a great cook or a wine enthusiast. You could make some tasty appetizers for the group to nosh on during the meetings, or run a wine tasting event during one of the meetings.
You may not have any particularly special skills which you feel would be an asset to the group. However, simply being a good listener or a good talker can be assets. Most women's groups get together and gab the whole time. Being a good talker means that you can actively participate in the conversation and engage with each woman in the group. Being a good listener means that you will really hear what each person is saying and can respond accordingly, which is the recipe for a successful and enjoyable conversation. You may also encounter a member who is going through a rough time in her life who needs someone to just listen to her. Fortunately, you can be that ear, that shoulder to lean on.
Most importantly, when you are involved in a women's group, always show each and every member the utmost respect. You will surely be rewarded in kind