

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Jewelry - Out of Sight, Out of Mind

 When working with a client in your closet, invariably, the discussion focuses on the jewelry. Do you? Like this? Dislikes? Use this? ... What kind of jewelry? Suit? Bridge? You get the idea.
Finally, I see. I can tell you how often that happens to be a huge event! At least 75% of the time of her jewelry is either in a drawer boxes, scattered in a jewelry box or in another room (boxes, crates or bags)!
Then, of course, ask him if he wears. The answer is almost always ... not really.
I can tell you now that if your jewelry is planted somewhere or well (or not so well) hidden in boxes of two things are generally true:
* There is too much to do to use it. * Did you forget things.
Third, you may not like enough to keep on hand so you can use it. All this could be solved if you can create a way to show your jewelry. There are several things will happen:
* You feel a renewed enthusiasm to the idea of ​​wearing it. * You will be able to find easily - which is probably means that it takes longer, too. * You will be very aware of what you do not like or do not go with anything in or out of fashion, which makes it much easier to debug.
The question then becomes, how do you show?
Well, as you know, I spend time in many closets and have gone through a number of women who have found creative ways to organize and store your jewelry so it is easily visible.
They are happy to share their ideas with you:
Annie likes to have unusual containers and carry them into jewelry. Just go to bed Bath & Beyond and pick up a silver platter, and voila, you can store your jewelry you make.
Amy took a shelf in your closet to see their collars to attach the brackets. It was easy to see what you have and coordinate with your clothes.
Claudyne lives in a fabulous old pole with a bit of running through its walk-in. Plastic hooks attached and hang all your necklaces from there. You can easily see what has to dress and accessories is easy.
I also recently discovered this organizer jewelry online fun: I have not tried but it looks promising. If someone tries I want to know what you think.
Finally, I have a large firm that operates as a full-length mirror I have in my room full of my jewelry! It comes in several wood finishes, and the price has dropped since I so now is your chance.
No matter how you store your jewelry, as long as you can see and easy access. Like most things when out of sight is out of mind. Let me know what works for you!
Are you eagerly watch shows like "What Not to Wear" and "if only I could have a wardrobe makeover," but you can not see how the transformation will mean for you, then I can help you. Over 23 years as a fashion designer in the Boston area, I found that many women ignore, hide, or simply are not aware of their innate beauty. Believe it or not, you do not have to be rich and famous or young, seem thin as you want. Yes, with a little help, you can learn to dress with joy and simplicity.

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